Amiwest is the premier Amiga-focused show in North America. Amiwest has provided a haven for like-minded individuals to come and celebrate all things in the Amiverse: Commodore Amiga's, Emulation, Aros, AmigaOS 4, and MorphOS . The show has become a yearly event in the community, with many new product announcements and introductions expected. Over the years, the show has seen Amiga companies come and go. Our goal has to be to create an environment for the community to come together and share ideas and AAA good times through it all.

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AmiWest banner courtesy of Martin "Mason" Merz -

Game Competition

Game Competition Trophys

The game competition trophy is traditionally made by SACC VP's sons, Josh and James. They model, 3d print, and paint the tropys. Past years trophys include.

AmiWest 2024 starts in:

Past shows: 2022| 2023
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